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LEE + RO’s Amritendu Maji Promoted to Vice President, Operations, and Appointed Principal

Jun 17, 2024

CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif., June 18, 2024 –Today, LEE + RO, Inc., a water infrastructure engineering consultancy well-regarded for its dedication to sustainability and efficient water solutions, is proud and excited to announce Amritendu Maji’s promotion to vice president of operations and his appointment as a firm principal.

LEE + RO’s Jordan Lim Promoted to Senior Electrical Engineer and Appointed as a Principal

Jun 11, 2024

CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif., June 13, 2024 – LEE + RO, Inc., a water infrastructure engineering consultancy well-regarded for its dedication to sustainability and efficient water solutions, proudly announces that Jordan Lim, P.E., MBA, has been promoted to senior electrical engineer and appointed as a principal. This strategic move signifies the company's commitment to the next generation of water/wastewater engineers and reinforces the company's commitment to its future leadership excellence.

LEE + RO’s Hector Robledo Promoted to Director of Design + Production and Appointed as a Principal

Jun 11, 2024

CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif., June 13, 2024– LEE + RO, Inc., a water infrastructure engineering consultancy well-regarded for its dedication to sustainability and efficient water solutions, is proud to announce that Hector Robledo has been promoted to director of design + production and appointed as a principal.

LEE + RO’s Boyana Angelova Promoted to Senior Civil Engineer and Appointed as a Principal

Jun 11, 2024

CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif., June 13,2024 – LEE + RO, Inc., a water infrastructure engineering consultancy well-regarded for its dedication to sustainability and efficient water solutions, is proud to announce that Boyana Angelova, P.E., QSD/QSP has been promoted to senior civil engineer and appointed as a principal. Her rise to principal is characterized by her engineering talent, work ethic, and her dynamic leadership qualities. This strategic elevation also marks another step in the company's commitment to its future leadership excellence.

Michael Guirguis Rejoins LEE + RO as a Managing Engineer

Feb 28, 2024

Leading in frastructure planning, design, and rehabilitation Projects

Jurupa Community Services District Contracts LEE + RO for Construction Management Services

Jan 9, 2024

Annual Sewer Repair and Replacement at Archer Street

City of Corona Contracts LEE + RO to Provide  Environmental and Engineering Design Services

Dec 27, 2023

Design of a flow control station for Water Reclamation Facility No.1

LEE + RO to Provide Kennedy Jenks with PDR Services for the MWD/EMWD Pump Station Project

Dec 21, 2023

Diamond Valley Lake SOW includes mechanical, electrical, and I&C support.

Santa Margarita Water District Contracts LEE + RO for Engineering Design and Construction Support Services

Dec 14, 2023

Services include chemical storage and metering systems for Reservoir Management Systems at four sites

City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Department Contracts LEE + RO for Ogden Pump Station Rehab

Nov 27, 2023

Services include Analyses, Recommendations, and Design

City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Department Contracts LEE + RO for Ogden Pump Station Rehab

Nov 27, 2023

Services include Analyses, Recommendations, and Design

Long Beach Utilities Department Contracts LEE + RO for Construction Management and Inspection Services

Oct 26, 2023

Rehabilitation of the groundwater treatment plant’s filter gallery valves

Long Beach Utilities Department Contracts LEE + RO to Design Water Main Improvements

Oct 26, 2023

Replacing 2,700 linear feet of various mains in the Linden Ave/E 5th St vicinity

Long Beach Utilities Department Contracts LEE + RO to Design Well Collection Pipeline Water Main Improvements

Oct 26, 2023

Evaluation of suitable pipeline rehabilitation improvement methods and Design Solution

MWD Contracts LEE + RO to Prepare a Technical Memorandum on Delta Smelt and Native Species Preservation

Sep 15, 2023

Services include electrical, mechanical, structural, and SCADA design.

City of Burbank Contracts LEE + RO for Design Services

Sep 11, 2023

Chloramine Booster Systems for Reservoirs 1A, 1B, 4, and 5

West County Wastewater Contracts LEE + RO for Assessment and Engineering Design Services

Sep 8, 2023

Mitigating generator exhaust odor at McBryde lift station

Santa Margarita Water District Contracts LEE + RO for Construction Management + Inspection Services

Aug 10, 2023

Sewer system rehabilitation utilizing ultraviolet cured-in-place-pipe lining.

LEE + RO Wins Eastern Municipal Water District Contract to Design the Matthews and Romoland Booster Pump Stations

Aug 8, 2023

The project requires coordination of LEE + RO’s design with the designs of the Matthews Transmission Pipeline, the Menifee Road Transmission Pipeline, and the Romoland Feeder Replacement designs, which others are preparing.

City of South Gate Contracts LEE + RO to Conduct a Concrete Sewer Pipeline Assessment

May 24, 2023

The City of South Gate (City) is in Los Angeles County, approximately seven miles south of the downtown area of the City of Los Angeles. With growing concerns about Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) and in compliance with the Sanitary Sewer Systems and Monitoring and Reporting Program, the City recently updated an internal program audit report that completed a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP).

LEE + RO to Design Two In-Line Turbine Generators for Rancho California Water District

Apr 30, 2023

Undergrounding at the Rocky Ridge Communications Towers Will Reduce Wildfire Risk

OC SAN Contracts LEE + RO for Design Services to Replace the Sodium Bisulfite Station and Anionic Polymer Station at Plant No. 2

Apr 26, 2023

Services Include Demolition, Design, Structural Rehabilitation, and New Electrical Upgrades

SCV Water Contracts LEE + RO to Design Pipelines for Sierra Highway Bridge

Apr 6, 2023

LEE + RO to address constraints, anticipated problems, and potential construction issues.

City of Colton Contracts LEE + RO to Design a New Sewer Lift Station

Mar 22, 2023

Center Street Lift Station to Replace Cadena Creek Lift Station

Eastern Municipal Water District Selects LEE + RO with “As-Needed” Engineering Services Contract

Mar 20, 2023

Services Include Potable and Recycled Water Storage and Conveyance, Sewage Lift Stations, and Electrical Engineering

LEE + RO to Provide Electrical Design Services for the City of LA’s Tillman Advanced Water Purification Facility

Mar 6, 2023

Plant to Produce Purified Water Suitable for Groundwater Replenishment

East Bay Municipal Utility District Contracts LEE + RO to Conduct Multiple Condition Assessments, Evaluations, and Designs

Feb 14, 2023

Projects Elements include Grit Dewatering Building Equipment Replacement; Reactor Drain, Gallery Drain, and Washdown Water (3W) Improvements; and Wet Weather Storage Basin Rehabilitation

City of San Clemente Awards LEE + RO Contract to Provide Engineering Services

Feb 1, 2023

Design the Replacement of Sluice Gates in the WRP Splitter Box

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Awards LEE + RO a Reservoir Expansion Project

Jan 23, 2023

Planning Study and Preliminary Design for a Second Reservoir at Sand Canyon

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Awards LEE + RO with Two Projects

Jan 19, 2023

Planning and Preliminary Design Improvements for the New Catala Pump Station and Pipelines

Long Beach Water Department Awards LEE + RO a Construction Management and Inspection Contract

Jan 10, 2023

Rehabilitation of 4 Potable Water Tank Roofs at the J. Will Johnson Reservoir in the City of Compton

Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Awards LEE + RO Goetz Road Intertie Contract

Dec 13, 2022

Design an interconnection to provide system reliability and redundancy within the Canyon Lake area

City of San Clemente Awards LEE + RO the Contract to Improve Recycled Water Quality

Dec 8, 2022

Design of a New Membrane Filtration and Reverse Osmosis Treatment System

MWD Contracts LEE + RO to Conduct Preliminary Design Services

Oct 17, 2022

Replacement of Two Radial Gates Along the San Diego Canal

City of Riverside Awards LEE + RO a Contract to Upgrade and Replace the Area-Velocity Type Flow Meters at Three Influent Trunk Sewers

Jul 10, 2022

The City of Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RWQCP) has five (5) influent sewers.

City of El Centro Contracts LEE + RO to provide Design Services for Stormwater Trash Capture

Jun 10, 2022

The City of El Centro (City), as a permittee of the State Water Board's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) permit, is required by the State Water Board to comply with stormwater trash provisions.

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Selects LEE + RO to Provide Technical/Engineering Evaluation and Design Services

May 10, 2022

LEE + RO is providing the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (Agency) with engineering services for an evaluation of replacement options, and preparation of the preliminary and final design for the replacement of an underground storage tank at its Rio Vista Water Treatment Plant (RVWTP). The existing 8,000-gallon Underground Storage Tank (UST) provides diesel fuel for the RVWTP Emergency Standby Generator. The replacement tank will be of similar size but will be an Aboveground Storage Tank (AST).

LEE + RO to provide Goleta Water District with Assessment of Seven Emergency Generators

Apr 5, 2022

Goleta Water District (GWD) has seven different facilities equipped with stationary diesel-fueled emergency power generators ranging in size from 16 kW up to 750 kW. GWD issued a task order to LEE + RO to evaluate and perform a condition assessment on these generators and provide prioritized recommendations for repairs or replacement to avert potential future failures.

Sunset Beach Sanitary District Contracts LEE + RO to Design a Sewer Bypass

Mar 15, 2022

District to retire the existing Broadway Sewer Pump Station

LEE + RO to Upgrade Electrical Gear of Goleta Water District’s Hollister Recycled Water Booster Pump Station

Mar 8, 2022

Goleta Water District’s (GWD) Hollister Booster Pump Station (BPS) is an underground facility that is part of the GWD’s recycled water system. An Arc Flash Study had recommended that the main switchboard/MCC and VFD/PLC be replaced in their entirety.

City of Riverside Contracts LEE + RO to Assess the Operational Challenges at the Pierce Street Wastewater Pump Station

Jan 12, 2022

The Pierce Street Pump Station is the largest wastewater lift station in the City of Riverside. It handles on average 4.5 MGD and is currently experiencing operational challenges. Issues include non-operational valves, leakage from the wet well into the dry well, aging mechanical equipment, and outdated electrical components.

Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Contracts LEE + RO for Broad-Based Condition Assessment

Nov 9, 2021

Evaluating Motor Control Centers and Pump Control Panels for 123 Facilities

LEE + RO is providing Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) with engineering services for inspection, evaluation, and condition assessment of the Motor Control Centers (MCC) and Pump Control Panels at 123 EVMWD facilities.

LEE + RO Awarded Contract to Design Two Diamond Bar Pump Stations for LA County Department of Public Works

Oct 28, 2021

The Sewer Maintenance Division (SMD) of the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works has awarded LEE + RO with a contract to provide design engineering services for the preparation of two separate but concurrent Preliminary Design Reports (PDR) for the replacement of the Fountain Springs and Indian Creek Pump Stations, both located within the City of Diamond Bar.

LEE + RO to Design a New Sewer Lift Station for the San Bernardino Municipal Water Department

Oct 26, 2021

The San Bernardino Municipal Water Department (SBMWD) owns and operates the Meridian Lift Station, which is adjacent to many single-family residences, as well as the San Bernardino Flood Control District’s Randall Basin, near Randall Avenue and Meridian Avenue in the southwest portion of the City of San Bernardino. The lift station was constructed and placed into service in 1983. At 38 years old, it is in relatively poor condition and suffers from operational challenges.

LEE + RO to Design a New Chloramine Booster Station at Irvine Ranch Water District

Oct 26, 2021

Irvine Ranch Water District’s (IRWD) Turtle Rock Zone 3 Reservoir (TR Z3 Res) is located in Irvine and supplies water to the surrounding Turtle Rock neighborhood and to the Zone 3 to 4 Pump Station (TR Z4 PS), which serves the uppermost portion of the neighborhood.

LEE + RO Partners with Gate 5 Energy Partners on New System that Transforms Biosolids into 100% safe and usable resources

Oct 19, 2021

LEE + RO is providing Gate 5 Energy Partners, Inc. (Gate 5) with design services for construction documents and supporting material to complete a demonstration scale of their MG5 System at Santa Margarita Water District’s Chiquita Water Reclamation Plant.

LEE + RO to Provide Engineering Design Services for the City of Brawley to Replace Two Raw Water Storage Reservoir Liners

Oct 19, 2021

The City of Brawley (City) owns and operates a 15 MGD capacity water treatment plant and distribution system that includes two raw water storage reservoirs and two spent backwash water storage reservoirs. The reservoirs are concrete with polypropylene liners.

The City of Brawley Contracts LEE + RO to Design a New UV Disinfection System

Oct 12, 2021

The City of Brawley (City) owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant with a 5.9 million gallons per day permitted capacity. The influent wastewater is treated by extended aeration basins (i.e., Biolac system) and secondary clarifiers. The secondary effluent is then disinfected by a Trojan UV4000 system and then discharged to the New River.

LEE + RO To Design the Upgrades and Expansion of the City of Colton’s Wastewater Treatment Plant

Oct 5, 2021

LEE + RO has completed several projects for the City of Colton, including their Wastewater Treatment Plant Centrifuge project, Plant 2 Condition Assessment, and the Prado Booster Pump Station Upgrades (currently under construction).

Rancho California Water District Awards LEE + RO the Sewer Flow Redirection Design Contract

Sep 8, 2021

The Rancho California Water District (RCWD) and Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) have entered into a mutual agreement to swap sewer flows to allow for the decommissioning of RCWD’s Winchester Park lift station.

LEE + RO recognized by ASCE and APWA with Awards

Aug 9, 2021

LEE + RO and the City of San Diego are honored to be named by ASCE – San Diego Section as the winner of the 2020 “Outstanding Wastewater Treatment Project” and by APWA – SD Section as the winner of the 2021 “Project of the Year” awards for the UV Disinfection System Replacement Project at the South Bay Water Reclamation Plant.

The City of San Diego partnered with LEE + RO on the design of a new UV system that not only is more efficient resulting in reduced maintenance time and cost, but also ensures that the reclaimed water is safe and ready for distribution.

To learn about this project, read the case study.

LEE + RO will be a subconsultant to Fraxia Engineering on a install a chloramination system for the San Jose Water Company.

Jul 13, 2021

Fraxia Engineering (Fraxia), a San Jose-based firm, won the contract from the San Jose Water Company (SJWC) to install a chloramination system inside a new block building at their 12th Street Station facility. SJWC has installed this type of system on other facilities.

LEE + RO Promotes Principal Engineer Sam Lee to QA/QC Manager

Jun 28, 2021

LEE + RO, Inc., today announced that it has promoted Principal Engineer Sam Lee, P.E., to QA/QC manager. Lee, working together with company President Charles Ro, will take the lead in solidifying the firm’s quality management system through enforcement of corporate policies, procedures, and protocols for quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control.

Supervising Engineer Eric Magee Promoted to Manager of the San Diego Office

Jun 21, 2021

LEE + RO, Inc., today announced that Supervising Engineer Eric Magee, P.E. ENV SP, has been named the San Diego branch manager. He assumes the role from Vice President Eric Lovering, P.E., who was recently promoted to chief engineer. Lovering, who managed the region for the past 17 years, will continue to work out of the San Diego office.

LEE + RO wins City of Anaheim contract to design the replacement of potable water mainline that crosses Interstate 5.

Jun 15, 2021

Speed is essential to meet Caltrans' permitting requirements

The City of Anaheim’s (City) Department of Public Utilities has contracted LEE + RO to design the replacement of their existing 16-inch diameter potable water mainline with a new 24-inch diameter potable water mainline.

Join LEE + RO’s Chief Engineer Eric Lovering and SFPUC’s Senior Engineer Linda Leong at CWEA’s AC21 conference on June 9th

Jun 9, 2021

Joins us on June 9th from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM for a brisk presentation on the topic of Motors and Variable Speed Applications at AC21. The subjects that will be covered include:

  • How Motors Work
  • Pump vs System Curve
  • Pump Efficiency
  • How Much It Costs to Pump Water

Battery storage can be an additional component of a more robust emergency preparedness plan in the event of a power outage.

Jun 9, 2021

According to the California Energy Commission: Pumping, treatment, and distribution of water account for nearly 20 percent of the total electricity consumed in California. The report also stated that “… batteries are a key part of the energy transition especially when it comes to providing grid energy storage.

LEE + RO to Provide Riverside’s Public Works Department with an Assessment of their Wood Road Sewer Pump Station

Mar 16, 2021

The City of Riverside’s Public Works Department is experiencing operational challenges at their Wood Road sewer pump station. Some of the issues are heavy ragging, extended VFD ramp-up time, pumps not operating at recommended efficiencies, and most recently, failure of the ultrasonic sensors.

LEE + RO to Design Two Replacement Lift Stations for the City of Riverside

Mar 9, 2021

The city of Riverside has contracted LEE + RO to prepare the construction documents for the replacement of two existing wastewater lift stations: Fairgrounds Street Lift Station and Dexter Drive Lift Station. Both of the existing lift stations were originally constructed in the late 1960s with a wet well manhole and a pump chamber vault with pedestal mounted pumps in a duplex (duty/standby) configuration.

Claudia Almaraz Promoted to Business Development Coordinator

Feb 15, 2021

Claudia joined the LEE + RO team back in June 2018 as an administrative assistant. Over these past 2-1/2 years, she has been a jack-of-all-trades and eager to help anyone who needed support related to ongoing projects.

LEE + RO to Design a New 12-kV Electrical Service Entrance Switchgear for Sonoma County Water Agency

Feb 3, 2021

The Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) owns, operates, and manages the electrical system at Sonoma Water's Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup Sanitation Zone's Treatment Plant. The treatment plant was constructed in the early 1980s and a photovoltaic system was installed in 2007 to offset utility costs.

Converting a Gaseous Chlorine System to a Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfection System and Replace the Existing Raw Water Electrical Panel

Jan 19, 2021

The City of El Centro (City) owns and operates a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that receives its water supply from the Colorado River through the Imperial Irrigation District’s (IID) canals. The City’s WTP has a design capacity of 21 MGD, with an average daily demand of 7.8 MGD and current peak flows of 13-14 MGD.

MWD Veteran Shiv Murti Joins LEE + RO as Principal Electrical Engineer

Jan 18, 2021

LEE + RO, Inc., today announced that Metropolitan Water District of Southern California veteran Shiv Murti, P.E., has joined the company as a principal electrical engineer. He has four decades of electrical and controls engineering experience in water treatment and conveyance, coal-fired power plants, nuclear plants, and oil refineries.

LEE + RO Wins San Dimas Contract for Sewage Lift Station and Force Main Design Improvements

Jan 11, 2021

LEE + RO has been awarded a contract from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACPW) for design improvements at a sewage lift station and force main in the City of San Dimas.

Michael Assadourian Rejoins LEE + RO as a Supervising Electrical Engineer

Jan 7, 2021

LEE + RO, Inc., today announced that Michael Assadourian, P.E., has rejoined LEE + RO as a supervising electrical engineer.

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Awards LEE + RO the Contract to Design the Replacement of the Saugus Water Wells #3 + #4

Jan 6, 2021

The Whittaker Bermite Corporation was a munitions manufacturer who, from 1934 to 1987, manufactured, stored and tested munitions, explosives, and other military equipment on a 996-acre, undeveloped site in the Santa Clarita Valley.