Mitigating generator exhaust odor at McBryde lift station
As a part of its Various Lift Station Upgrades Project, also known as the Lakeside, McBryde, Park, Pinole, and Sobrante Lift Station Upgrades Project, West County Wastewater (WCW) arranged for the installation of backup generators for the purpose of providing power reliability during unplanned power outages and Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s Public Safety Power Shutoff events.
Since the Project’s construction, some members of the communities near the Project, particularly near the McBryde Lift Station, filed complaints regarding diesel engine exhaust odors. In response, WCW has contracted LEE + RO to facilitate the safe investigation of generator-related odors, evaluate mitigation alternatives, and implement recommendations.
Scope of Work
LEE + RO will develop five (5) odor mitigation options for resolving the odor complaint(s) at McBryde LS, including the “do-nothing” alternative. Each option will be aimed at either reducing the odor generated by diesel engine combustion or decreasing the strength of the odor reaching the affected communities. A Technical Memorandum with a comparison table will be delivered listing the advantages/disadvantages and the engineer’s probable cost estimate. The recommendation may call for a combination of options for greater effectiveness. Once WCW approves the recommendation, LEE + RO will prepare the design.