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Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Selects LEE + RO to Provide Technical/Engineering Evaluation and Design Services

May 10, 2022

LEE + RO is providing the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (Agency) with engineering services for an evaluation of replacement options, and preparation of the preliminary and final design for the replacement of an underground storage tank at its Rio Vista Water Treatment Plant (RVWTP). The existing 8,000-gallon Underground Storage Tank (UST) provides diesel fuel for the RVWTP Emergency Standby Generator. The replacement tank will be of similar size but will be an Aboveground Storage Tank (AST).

LEE + RO To Design the Upgrades and Expansion of the City of Colton’s Wastewater Treatment Plant

Oct 5, 2021

LEE + RO has completed several projects for the City of Colton, including their Wastewater Treatment Plant Centrifuge project, Plant 2 Condition Assessment, and the Prado Booster Pump Station Upgrades (currently under construction).

Converting a Gaseous Chlorine System to a Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfection System and Replace the Existing Raw Water Electrical Panel

Jan 19, 2021

The City of El Centro (City) owns and operates a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that receives its water supply from the Colorado River through the Imperial Irrigation District’s (IID) canals. The City’s WTP has a design capacity of 21 MGD, with an average daily demand of 7.8 MGD and current peak flows of 13-14 MGD.