OC SAN Contracts LEE + RO for Design Services to Replace the Sodium Bisulfite Station and Anionic Polymer Station at Plant No. 2
Apr 26, 2023
Services Include Demolition, Design, Structural Rehabilitation, and New Electrical Upgrades
Services Include Demolition, Design, Structural Rehabilitation, and New Electrical Upgrades
Design the Replacement of Sluice Gates in the WRP Splitter Box
The City of Brawley (City) owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant with a 5.9 million gallons per day permitted capacity. The influent wastewater is treated by extended aeration basins (i.e., Biolac system) and secondary clarifiers. The secondary effluent is then disinfected by a Trojan UV4000 system and then discharged to the New River.