
Water safety is about more than satisfying regulations and public concerns. It’s about making life better for our communities. As those communities grow, so do the stresses on our systems and the complexities of contamination, remediation and compliance. Now more than ever, we can’t afford to miss a thing. At the same time, budgets are stretched thin. In this new normal, safe water won’t come from safe thinking. It will take partners who never stop asking “what if,” with the skills to create the how, cost-effectively, sustainably, now.

Our Water Treatment expertise includes:

  • Conventional Water Treatment
  • Condition Assessment
  • Mechanical and Structural Rehabilitation
  • UV and Chemical Disinfection
  • Chemical Treatment Systems
  • Medium and Low Voltage Power Distribution
  • Instrumentation & Control System Design
CITY OF Riverside

Mills Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Upgrading, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

LEE + RO provided condition assessment, engineering and design services for a $45 million rehabilitation and upgrading project. The project consisted of (1) Chemical Systems Improvements covering sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, caustic soda, alum, ferric chloride, Poly-DADMAC, sodium hypochlorite, aqueous ammonia, chlorine, and dry polymer; (2) Treatment Module 1 + 2 Rehabilitation including the replacement of flocculators and clarifier traveling bridge sludge collector drive mechanisms and other mechanical equipment, structural repairs, modification of piping and valves, and upgrading of electrical and controls systems; and (3) Single Point Chemical Injection System that enhances coagulation and is installed on the 144-inch diameter ozone contactor effluent pipe prior to the flow-splitting to Clarifier Modules 1 through 4. The 51.5 mgd capacity Module 1 and 54.5 mgd Module 2 were removed from service in 1997 and these projects restored the Mills Plant to its full 326 mgd capacity.

CITY OF Santa Clarita

Washwater System Improvements, Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency

The 56 mgd Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant treatment processes consists of ozone injection, clarifiers, and filters. Washwater from the clarifiers and filters are pumped to the washwater treatment facilities, solids are treated in a gravity thickener and are dewatered in the drying beds. The washwater return system is comprised of storage basins, chemical conditioning, and treatment units. The California DPH Cryptosporidium Action Plan includes a 2 NTU recycled water turbidity limit and regulates the total recycle water flow to be less than 10% of the plant flow. The previous washwater system prevented maximizing the washwater recycle flow up to the 10% maximum and could not reduce turbidity to less than 2 NTU. LEE + RO prepared a process analysis and designed a $7.5 million project that added washwater storage basins with an automatic sludge scraper system and floating decanters, thickeners, and drying beds, complete with all electrical and site improvements.

CITY OF Auburn

Bowman Water Treatment Plant Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfection Conversion Project, Placer County Water Agency

LEE + RO provided engineering, design, and construction phase engineering services for a $1.5 million project, converting gaseous chlorine to liquid sodium hypochlorite disinfection at the 5 mgd Bowman Water Treatment Plant. The new hypochlorite facilities included two 2,000 gallon storage tanks, five metering pumps, feed piping, electrical and control systems, including upgrades to safety features such as ventilation, eye washing, and lighting. The work also included programming and integration to the existing SCADA system and miscellaneous structural and piping modifications. 

CITY OF Los Angeles

Colorado River Aqueduct, Radial Gate Refurbishment Project, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

LEE + RO provided field condition assessments, replacement/refurbishment concept development, preliminary engineering and final design services for eight (8) large hydraulic radial gates along the Colorado River Aqueduct (CRA). The gates had been in operation since the CRA was commissioned in 1941. The inspections revealed various stages of deterioration, corrosion, seal failures, and water leakage. The size of the gate openings vary from 11 feet x 14 feet to 22 feet x 12 feet and the individual gate size is as big as 12.5 feet x 11 feet.  Five out of the eight gates are double-leaf type. This $8 million project was designed to enhance the CRA’s water supply reliability. The design included extensive structural rehabilitation to accommodate the new gates into the existing structures and the replacement of motor operators and electrical and control systems, including SCADA systems.
WT LosAngeles New