1 min read

City of San Clemente Awards LEE + RO Contract to Provide Engineering Services

Feb 1, 2023 11:09:00 AM

1. Sluice Gates croppedDesign the Replacement of Sluice Gates in the WRP Splitter Box

The City of San Clemente (City) owns and operates a wastewater collection and treatment system within its service area, including a wastewater reclamation plant (Plant) that provides wastewater treatment and produces recycled water compliant with Title 22.

The City’s Reclamation Plant processes include preliminary treatment, primary treatment, activated sludge secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment for recycled water. A portion of the existing secondary-treated wastewater is sent to the tertiary treatment to produce available Title 22 recycled water.

The City wants to remove and replace seven slide gates inside the splitter box. The concrete and slide gate guides are degraded to the point where the Plant operators can no longer insert the gate. The metal channel where the slide gates are inserted to stop the water flow is warped and corroded, and the gates will no longer slide into the channel.

The City must have the means to stop the flow into the tanks. Should a mechanical failure with the flight system that collects the settled sludge in the tank occur, the flow cannot be currently stopped to repair the failure. Not being able to repair the flight collection system that removes the sludge from the tank will result in a treatment plant process upset and possible permit violations.

The project goals include:

  • Increase system reliability
  • Provide flexibility in operation
  • Increase the useful life of the splitter box

The project requires:

  • Flow bypassing
  • Concrete repair
  • Hatch replacement

LEE + RO’s scope of work includes project management, field visits and workshops, documents review, feasibility study, preliminary and progress final plans, specifications, engineer’s opinion of probable cost, and bidding and construction support services.

Kevin Saleh, PE

Written by Kevin Saleh, PE