Santa Margarita Water District Contracts LEE + RO for Engineering Design and Construction Support Services
Dec 14, 2023
Services include chemical storage and metering systems for Reservoir Management Systems at four sites
Services include chemical storage and metering systems for Reservoir Management Systems at four sites
Services Include Demolition, Design, Structural Rehabilitation, and New Electrical Upgrades
Irvine Ranch Water District’s (IRWD) Turtle Rock Zone 3 Reservoir (TR Z3 Res) is located in Irvine and supplies water to the surrounding Turtle Rock neighborhood and to the Zone 3 to 4 Pump Station (TR Z4 PS), which serves the uppermost portion of the neighborhood.
The City of Brawley (City) owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant with a 5.9 million gallons per day permitted capacity. The influent wastewater is treated by extended aeration basins (i.e., Biolac system) and secondary clarifiers. The secondary effluent is then disinfected by a Trojan UV4000 system and then discharged to the New River.
LEE + RO and the City of San Diego are honored to be named by ASCE – San Diego Section as the winner of the 2020 “Outstanding Wastewater Treatment Project” and by APWA – SD Section as the winner of the 2021 “Project of the Year” awards for the UV Disinfection System Replacement Project at the South Bay Water Reclamation Plant.
The City of San Diego partnered with LEE + RO on the design of a new UV system that not only is more efficient resulting in reduced maintenance time and cost, but also ensures that the reclaimed water is safe and ready for distribution.
To learn about this project, read the case study.
Fraxia Engineering (Fraxia), a San Jose-based firm, won the contract from the San Jose Water Company (SJWC) to install a chloramination system inside a new block building at their 12th Street Station facility. SJWC has installed this type of system on other facilities.
The City of El Centro (City) owns and operates a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) that receives its water supply from the Colorado River through the Imperial Irrigation District’s (IID) canals. The City’s WTP has a design capacity of 21 MGD, with an average daily demand of 7.8 MGD and current peak flows of 13-14 MGD.