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City of South Gate Contracts LEE + RO to Conduct a Concrete Sewer Pipeline Assessment

May 24, 2023

The City of South Gate (City) is in Los Angeles County, approximately seven miles south of the downtown area of the City of Los Angeles. With growing concerns about Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) and in compliance with the Sanitary Sewer Systems and Monitoring and Reporting Program, the City recently updated an internal program audit report that completed a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP).

City of Colton Contracts LEE + RO to Design a New Sewer Lift Station

Mar 22, 2023

Center Street Lift Station to Replace Cadena Creek Lift Station

Eastern Municipal Water District Selects LEE + RO with “As-Needed” Engineering Services Contract

Mar 20, 2023

Services Include Potable and Recycled Water Storage and Conveyance, Sewage Lift Stations, and Electrical Engineering

East Bay Municipal Utility District Contracts LEE + RO to Conduct Multiple Condition Assessments, Evaluations, and Designs

Feb 14, 2023

Projects Elements include Grit Dewatering Building Equipment Replacement; Reactor Drain, Gallery Drain, and Washdown Water (3W) Improvements; and Wet Weather Storage Basin Rehabilitation

Sunset Beach Sanitary District Contracts LEE + RO to Design a Sewer Bypass

Mar 15, 2022

District to retire the existing Broadway Sewer Pump Station