2 min read

Sunset Beach Sanitary District Contracts LEE + RO to Design a Sewer Bypass

Mar 15, 2022 11:02:00 AM

Sunset Beach NEWS Photo_tinifiedDistrict to retire the existing Broadway Sewer Pump Station

Sunset Beach Sanitary District (District) wishes to abandon the existing Broadway Sewer Pumping Station to eliminate their single largest sewage spill risk, a risk that has been recently exacerbated by climate change impacts. Based on LEE + RO’s experience in the design and construction support for sewer systems, and previous experience with District projects, Sunset Beach Sanitary District has contracted LEE + RO to prepare a comprehensive project report, including a preliminary design, for a 3,300 LF, 15-inch diameter bypass sewer main located alongside the Sunset Beach Greenbelt (Linear Park) in N Pacific Avenue. The bypass sewer will redirect the pump station influent flows to the City of Huntington Beach’s existing Warner Avenue Gravity Sewer near the intersection of Warner Ave. and Pacific Coast Highway. One of the main objectives of the project report is to satisfy requirements for potential award of available grant funding. The report includes an analysis of pipeline alignments, materials of construction, as well as construction methods and techniques.

LEE+RO’s design services include:

  • Review the tie-in invert elevations for the connecting sewer mains to confirm project feasibility.
  • Evaluate and verify design flows presented in the feasibility report for pipe sizing.
  • Confirm the 15-inch diameter pipe sizing after calculating the tributary flows based on the buildout of the vacant tributary areas.
  • Review permitting requirements and assist the District with all necessary permit applications.
  • Identify and present alternative pipeline alignments through available utility corridors.
  • Consider and evaluate alternative construction techniques such as horizontal directional drilling, micro-tunneling, and pipe bursting.
  • Prepare preliminary full scale plan and profile drawings and preliminary traffic control plans for the preferred alignment alternative.
  • Prepare environmental compliance support documentation.
  • Assist the District in identifying funding sources and preparation of grant and loan applications. A financial plan for proceeding without grant assistance will also be developed.

With the abandonment of the existing Broadway Sewer Pump Station, the District not only eliminates their single largest sewage spill risk, but also realizes a net positive impact for the environment.

Murthy Kadiyala, PE

Written by Murthy Kadiyala, PE