City of Colton Contracts LEE + RO to Design a New Sewer Lift Station
Mar 22, 2023
Center Street Lift Station to Replace Cadena Creek Lift Station
Center Street Lift Station to Replace Cadena Creek Lift Station
The San Bernardino Municipal Water Department (SBMWD) owns and operates the Meridian Lift Station, which is adjacent to many single-family residences, as well as the San Bernardino Flood Control District’s Randall Basin, near Randall Avenue and Meridian Avenue in the southwest portion of the City of San Bernardino. The lift station was constructed and placed into service in 1983. At 38 years old, it is in relatively poor condition and suffers from operational challenges.
The Rancho California Water District (RCWD) and Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) have entered into a mutual agreement to swap sewer flows to allow for the decommissioning of RCWD’s Winchester Park lift station.
The city of Riverside has contracted LEE + RO to prepare the construction documents for the replacement of two existing wastewater lift stations: Fairgrounds Street Lift Station and Dexter Drive Lift Station. Both of the existing lift stations were originally constructed in the late 1960s with a wet well manhole and a pump chamber vault with pedestal mounted pumps in a duplex (duty/standby) configuration.