City of Corona Contracts LEE + RO to Provide Environmental and Engineering Design Services
Dec 27, 2023
Design of a flow control station for Water Reclamation Facility No.1
Design of a flow control station for Water Reclamation Facility No.1
Services include chemical storage and metering systems for Reservoir Management Systems at four sites
Services include electrical, mechanical, structural, and SCADA design.
Services Include Demolition, Design, Structural Rehabilitation, and New Electrical Upgrades
Center Street Lift Station to Replace Cadena Creek Lift Station
Services Include Potable and Recycled Water Storage and Conveyance, Sewage Lift Stations, and Electrical Engineering
Projects Elements include Grit Dewatering Building Equipment Replacement; Reactor Drain, Gallery Drain, and Washdown Water (3W) Improvements; and Wet Weather Storage Basin Rehabilitation
Design the Replacement of Sluice Gates in the WRP Splitter Box
Planning and Preliminary Design Improvements for the New Catala Pump Station and Pipelines
Replacement of Two Radial Gates Along the San Diego Canal