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Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Awards LEE + RO with Two Projects

Jan 19, 2023 11:12:00 AM

1. PS Alternative Locations copyPlanning and Preliminary Design Improvements for the New Catala Pump Station and Pipelines

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) plans to construct a new potable water pump station (Catala Pump Station) and pipelines to supply water to the Catala Pressure Zone from the Bouquet Pressure Zone. The pump station’s minimum capacity will be 6,000 gpm for near-term demand including the Bouquet Canyon Development, and higher for future demands. This project is the highest priority for SCV Water to supply the approved Bouquet Canyon Development.

LEE + RO will provide a near-term solution to serve this development. The project will alleviate the supply deficit in the Catala Pressure Zone, to reliably serve other near-term demands, which will be considered in the development and design of a long-term solution.

The project goals include:

  • Provide adequate capacity for expansion and future growth
  • Increase operational flexibility
  • Increase system reliability

The project objectives include:

  • Prepare plans and layouts of the pump station, pipelines, and associated appurtenances.
  • Prepare and submit the preliminary plans, various engineering design calculations, cost estimates, and NSF-61 material list
  • Identify the permits needed
  • Provide topographic survey, system hydraulic profile exhibit, pump station building, surge tank, piping, structures, valves, vaults, on-site standby emergency generator, and fuel tank
  • Structural and seismic, mechanical, electrical, controls, communication, SCADA communication, and instrumentation systems
  • Site lighting, camera security, fencing, gates, etc.
  • Coating, cathodic protection
  • Site grading, including paving and site drainage

LEE + RO will also provide engineering services for evaluation of alternative siting locations along with a preliminary design report and 30% design plans.

Murthy Kadiyala, PE

Written by Murthy Kadiyala, PE