2 min read

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Awards LEE + RO a Reservoir Expansion Project

Jan 23, 2023 11:18:00 AM

1. PipesPlanning Study and Preliminary Design for a Second Reservoir at Sand Canyon

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) has requested that LEE + RO conduct a planning study and preliminary design to install a second reservoir at the Sand Canyon reservoir site. SCV Water owns and operates an existing potable water storage tank at the site. The existing 7-million gallon capacity tank was constructed in 2005 and is a rectangular shaped partially buried mild steel reinforced concrete reservoir. The new tank’s volume, shape, and configuration will be assessed in the planning and preliminary design study.

The LEE + RO team will study how much storage is required, system hydraulics, take into account the site constraints and construction costs to provide  SCV Water with a recommended size, shape, and configuration for the new reservoir.

Project Approach
LEE + RO will

  • Develop a planning technical memorandum, PDR and 30% design drawings
  • Run hydraulic modeling and check storage needs for current requirements and project out the future scenario to 2030 or 2040
  • Develop a water plan to exercise all reasonable options and develop a set of project exhibits, recommendations, and cost estimates. Once completed and reviewed by SCV Water, the planning technical memo will serve as a guide for the execution of the PDR and preliminary design.
  • Determine the tank site on SCV Water’s preferred property, taking into consideration the connection of the 48” water pipeline and the drain/overflow connection points
  • Work with SCV Water’s staff and find the best fit for storage volume, pipeline connection points, siting, and access. From the preliminary information, the new storage reservoir will hydraulically match the existing reservoir.
  • Provide direction for NPDES permitting. LEE + RO’s stormwater compliance specialist will provide information on the Statewide Construction General Permit, if required, and the RWQCB permit for discharge of hydrostatic test waters.
Kevin Saleh

Written by Kevin Saleh