Evaluation of suitable pipeline rehabilitation improvement methods and Design Solution
The Long Beach Public Utilities Department (LBUD) plays a crucial role in providing essential services to a population of approximately 470,000 residents within a 52-square-mile area in the City of Long Beach. These services encompass potable water, recycled water, and sewer collection. LBUD obtains its potable water supply from purchased treated surface water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and 24 local groundwater wells treated at the Groundwater Treatment Plant (GWTP).
LBUD plans to drill additional water wells to increase its local groundwater production to bolster pumping capacity and strategically manage well operation cycles to optimize water supply. As such, the reliability of the existing well collection pipeline system is paramount to accommodate the expected production increase. To that end, a previous well-siting and well collection system study from 2017 identified potential concerns for some areas of the collection system.
Due to these concerns, LBUD is proactively seeking the evaluation of suitable pipeline rehabilitation improvement methods followed by the design of the selected optimal alternative along with engineering support services during construction. The Project extents of the approximately three (3) miles of well collection water main pipe sections identified requiring rehabilitation.
Based on the 2017 Study, the areas of concern are located along the western area of the system, specifically concerning 20-inch and 24-inch Cast Iron pipes that serve wells in various locations. These older segments of the system are where leaks or pipe breaks might occur from increased operational pressures resulting from the additional well flows or modifications in system operations.
Scope of Work
This rehabilitation project entails the evaluation, recommendation, and engineering design for the proposed pipeline rehabilitation method, followed by engineering support services during construction. The cornerstone for this Project will begin with the preparation of a preliminary design report (PDR). This PDR will allow for the rehabilitation alternatives proposed to be fully vetted and discussed with LBUD. The preferred rehabilitation technique chosen during the PDR will form the basis for the final design phase.
LEE + RO’s services include Review and Assessment, Rehabilitation Method Evaluation, Access Pit Layouts and Alignment Assessment, Preliminary Design Report, Final Design and Construction Document Package, Coordination and Permitting, Construction Bid Support and evaluation, and Engineering Services during construction.