Replacing 2,700 linear feet of various mains in the Linden Ave/E 5th St vicinity
The Long Beach Utilities Department (LBUD) wishes to replace approximately 2,700 linear feet (LF) of various main sizes in the Linden Ave/E 5th St vicinity within the City of Long Beach, California. These improvements are under the Water Main Improvement (WMI) Project POF-01 (Project) and involve the replacement of mains from alleys into the main streets and accompanying services in the area (approximately 40 alley services will have to be relocated). The Project is bordered by Elm Ave to the West, Atlantic Ave to the East, E 3rd St to the South, and E 6th St to the North.
The Water Distribution System Master Plan was completed in September 2020 and provided a comprehensive planning guide for improving and maintaining LBUD’s domestic water system. The Master Plan included a Capital Improvement Program section that broke down recommended projects into three categories:
- Pipelines with hydraulic deficiencies identified in the hydraulic model
- Small diameter pipelines identified with a high probability of failure from risk analysis
- Large diameter pipelines identified for condition assessment inspection from risk analysis.
This project is identified in the second category (“Small diameter pipeline” improvement projects) and the high consequence of failure value (CoF) of 118,815, suggesting significant potential consequences or impact if it were to fail.
A crucial aspect of this project revolves around establishing the well-planned design and construction of the new waterlines and mains, particularly when considering potential impacts on maintenance requirements, costs, traffic, and community impacts.
Replacing approximately 40 water services in the alleyways requires connection to the surrounding watermains and each building’s water meter. Locations of several water meters and the extensive lengths of house connection pipes required present challenges for design and construction.
Scope of Work
LEE + RO’s services include Project Management, Communication and Meetings, Preliminary Design Plans, Project Plans and Specifications, Consent of Entry Agreements, Surveying and Right-of-Way, Traffic Control Plans, and Permit Coordination and Compliance.