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Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Contracts LEE + RO for Broad-Based Condition Assessment

Nov 9, 2021 1:49:00 PM

1_EVMWD PC Panels_tinifiedEvaluating Motor Control Centers and Pump Control Panels for 123 Facilities

LEE + RO is providing Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) with engineering services for inspection, evaluation, and condition assessment of the Motor Control Centers (MCC) and Pump Control Panels at 123 EVMWD facilities. To assess and address the capacity, reliability, growth, and regulatory needs of EVMWD’s facilities, LEE + RO will develop an inventory of existing facility electrical assets, and a priority list for replacement, and identify the availability of replacement parts or complete replacement of units.

Task 1 - Data Collection and Review

LEE + RO will:

  • Develop a list of required information for each facility and collect, and analyze available documentation
  • Catalog which “critical” documents or information is missing and will summarize the available information in a Technical Memorandum
  • For facilities where one-line diagrams are not available, LEE + RO will collect the necessary data through field visits and generate new detailed one-line diagrams

Task 2 – Field Investigation Plan

Based on the original available data review, LEE + RO will:

  • Develop and submit a Field Investigation Plan in Technical Memorandum format for EVMWD to review.
    • The investigation plan will describe the overall investigation objectives, provide a description of each facility and the proposed investigatory methods, testing, and procedures (including staffing and safety considerations).
  • Upon EVMWD approval of the Field Investigation Plan, LEE + RO will initiate the field investigation work.

Task 3 – Perform Condition Assessment

LEE + RO personnel will visit each facility, along with EVMWD’s staff, to collect inventory data and perform a detailed condition assessment.

  • MCC & Pump Control Panel testing, and documentation includes:
    • Current draw on motors
    • Grounding system visual inspection and resistance testing
    • Motor megger testing
    • Infrared thermographic scanning
    • Rodent abatement measures and recommendations
    • Document physical damage or life safety issues, including Code compliance issues
    • Catalog existing controls hardware and equipment and provide recommendations for replacement and standardization

Task 4 – Prepare Condition Assessment Reports

LEE + RO will prepare a Condition Assessment Report that includes:

  • Field investigation results
  • Identification of site issues
  • Recommendations for repairs and/or upgrades
  • Planning level costs for each recommended repair or improvement
  • Prioritization of the recommended improvements
  • Identification of estimated remaining useful life of a site if repairs and/or upgrades are performed