1 min read

City of Riverside Contracts LEE + RO to Assess the Operational Challenges at the Pierce Street Wastewater Pump Station

Jan 11, 2022 4:10:00 PM

1.Pierce St. WW PS CA_tinifiedThe Pierce Street Pump Station is the largest wastewater lift station in the City of Riverside. It handles on average 4.5 MGD and is currently experiencing operational challenges. Issues include non-operational valves, leakage from the wet well into the dry well, aging mechanical equipment, and outdated electrical components.

LEE + RO has been contracted by the City’s Public Works Department to assess current conditions and remaining service life of the mechanical equipment and electrical components and recommend modifications and/or replacements. LEE + RO will review existing records, perform site visits, and conduct interviews with City operations and maintenance staff to not only identify issues but also to gain insight into fully understanding issues observed. Findings will be presented in an Assessment Report summarizing solution alternatives, complete with recommended improvements.

Amritendu Maji, PE

Written by Amritendu Maji, PE