Design an interconnection to provide system reliability and redundancy within the Canyon Lake area
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) is a publicly owned water and sewer service agency with approximately 46,000 water service and 36,600 sewer service connections, serving a population of approximately 157,000. This project is located within EVMWD’s boundaries and is located within the City of Canyon Lake.
The purpose of this project is to design an interconnection between Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District and Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD). The replacement limits shall be along Goetz Road between Newport Road and Canyon Lake Drive in the City of Canyon Lake.
EVMWD’s two main sources of water supply to the Canyon Lake Area are the Canyon Lake Water Treatment Plant and a 33-inch transmission main. The Canyon Lake Water Treatment Plant is currently offline, leaving EVMWD with only one supply source. This project will create an intertie connection with EMWD and provide EVMWD with system reliability and redundancy within the Canyon Lake area. The interconnection will have a bidirectional meter installed to enable either water district to supply water in a water emergency situation.
LEE + RO services include design engineering, bidding support, and engineering services during construction for the intertie connection design and construction, which is approximately 200 LF in length.