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Western Municipal Water District Contracts LEE + RO to provide Emergency Engineering Services at the South Regional Bypass Pump Station

Jul 17, 2023 11:04:00 AM

Work to prevent future sewage from overflowing.


The South Regional Pump Station (SRPS) is owned by the Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority (WRCRWA) and is operated by the Western Municipal Water District (District). The pump station is located at 671 North Lincoln Ave, Corona, CA.

SRPS was constructed in 1997 to pump up to 8 million gallons per day (MGD) of wastewater from the SRPS to the WRCRWA treatment plant via a 30-inch diameter force main, which runs approximately 3.7 mi long. There is currently no backup generator installed at the Site. In the event of power failures at SRPS and the WRCRWA treatment plant headworks overflow, the incoming sewage flow is diverted to the Inland Empire Brine Line (IEBL), previously known as the Santa Ana Regional Interceptor (SARI), which is owned by the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA).


The District recommends installing standalone backup pumps at SRPS to minimize potential discharges of sewage into the brine line during an emergency. The Dri-Prime backup/bypass standalone pump will provide additional redundancy and reliability to the sewage collection system. Hydrological analysis, SCADA, and Flow Data will be utilized to provide recommendations for the construction and protection of the bypass system.

Scope of Work

The District recently experienced multiple force main failures. This SOW aims to prevent future sewage from overflowing into the Brine Line. After performing emergency repairs, the District awarded LEE + RO with a capital project for three (3) critical force main improvements and requested that LEE + RO consider a secondary discharge option using a dual force main for enhanced system reliability.

Topics: 2023 Pump Station
Amritendu Maji, PE

Written by Amritendu Maji, PE