Diamond Valley Lake SOW includes mechanical, electrical, and I&C support.
Diamond Valley Lake, located in the City of Hemet, currently has water and sewer services trucked in and out of the Marina. In December 2022, engineering firm Kennedy Jenks issued a Preliminary Design Report (PDR) for the Diamond Valley Lake East Marina Utility Improvements, which is a planning study to provide permanent water and sewer services to the Marina.
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) owns and operates Diamond Valley Lake. The proposed facilities are all within the Eastern Municipal Water District’s (EMWD) service area and will be maintained and operated by EMWD once the facilities are online. The client is MWD, but the project’s two pump stations will be in accordance with EMWD standards. The discharge point for both the water and sewer pump stations (aligned at opposite ends of the access road) is approximately 8,800 feet away. The water and sewer civil pipeline work will be developed by Kennedy Jenks.
On August 14, 2023, MWD issued a Project Scoping Memorandum, which changed some of the findings and recommendations in the previous PDR. Kennedy Jenks has requested that LEE + RO provide mechanical, electrical, and I&C engineering support to complete a Draft PDR and Final PDR. The Final PDR is considered a 30% design submittal.
Significant scope changes deviating from the PDR include eliminating the water storage tank and enlarging the water pump station. The water pump station will be sized for 2,000 GPM in Phase 1, with space to expand it to 3,500 GPM in Phase 2.
Scope of Work
Summary of Potable Water Pump Station: It is anticipated the pump station will have three rooms: 1) a mechanical pumping room, 2) an electrical room, and 3) a chemical room.
Summary of Sewer Lift Station: The wet well will be six (6) feet in diameter and extend approximately 17 feet below grade. Two identical pumps will be installed during Phase 1 and will be replaced during Phase 2 in accordance with East Marina’s facility construction phasing plan.
SCADA (RTU and Telemetry)
LEE + Ro will provide the following services:
- Project Management
- Site Visit and Field Investigations
- Meeting Coordination
- Cost Estimate
- Electrical and I&C Kick-off Workshop
- Mechanical Kick-off Workshop
- Design Review Workshop
- SCE Coordination
- Hydraulic Calculations
- Draft PDR